The Tyranny of Dreams

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Table of Contents

The Tyranny of Dreams
My Spiritual Journey
Reflections on Spirituality
Reflections on Connectivity and Architectivity
Reflections on Consciousness
On the Deities
On Society
More on Connectivity and Architectivity -->
More Expansive Speculations
On Space and Time
More on Consciousness
Reflections on Yin and Yang
More on Dreams
On Therapy
Beyond the Post Planetary Age

More on Connectivity and Architectivity

A rocky planet is an environment in which things can be (for all practical purposes) persistently static relative to each other - ie architective.

Smaller extra-terrestial objects such as comets and even cosmic dust grains also offer such environments, but they are not nearly as rich, offering a very much smaller capacity for persistent stasis, probably limited to the molecular and crystalline levels of architective emergence. And let us not forget, that with an extra level of emergent architecture, novel connective serial narratives may also arise. Rocky planets provide opportunities for complex worlds based on stasis to develop, our own Earth being a bountiful example.

Each rocky planet also provides a central reference frame for its world, against which the relative position and motion of all the objects of its world can be absolutely compared, thereby conjuring a rich self-consistent reality anchored to the planet - which, outside a planet (and outside a spaceship or comet or dustgrain) cannot exist.


The architective window of scale is effectively the 'factory floor' of the universe, for it is here that all the objects connectivity plays with are made.

Our own technological gadgets, like cars and phones, expand the universe's capacity for connective play. Unfortunately we design our devices primarily for their architective functionality, not recognizing that it is the room for connective play which they facilitate that is appreciated cosmically.


One may listen to a connective signal, even if it just drones or whines, and one will still be able to hear other signals through their interference with it.

An architective signal, on the other hand, overrides those that comprise it or eliminates those that contest with it - so information is lost.


Paying attention to connective subtleties does not require that one not attend to the connective bigger picture. But paying attention to an architective detail means losing focus on the bigger architective picture.


Objects may be moulded by connective influences to take on shapes that are connectively beautiful even though the objects themselves are architective (eg curvaceous sculptures, rocks sculpted by wind and water).

Such too is the case of a photograph or painting of a connectively beautiful scene. As an object the picture is static and architective (and probably not architectively beautiful, being a simple rectangle with meaningless non-linear scribblings or washes of colour) but may still be able to convey some of the connective meaning in the original scene even though the picture is static.

Thus the original connective beauty of a dynamic connective motion may be momentarily captured for re-display at a later time without losing its connective value entirely. The photograph may not have all the connective value of the original scene but it still has much of the value which was momentarily evident. And that value can of course be hugely extended by making a movie rather than taking a single snapshot. A recording of a musical recital can be almost as valuable as the original; and a recording of a profound original will of course have greater connective value than a recording of a poor one.


Resonance (as I have distinguished it from constructive interference) requires an architective shell or anchor point - so though it is a feature of connectivity it can only occur at architective scales.


The connective equivalent of architective layers is the order of the connective's patterns, and each object added to the connective contributes a new order to its patterning.


When objects relate architectively their groupings are static aggregates. When objects relate connectively their groupings are moving waves.


Unless some entirely novel communication medium is discovered, Physical Spirituality suggests communication that could be described as telepathic cannot be architective. That is, telepathy cannot convey specific, quantifiable information.

Feeling like you are being watched could be a purely connective communication and therefore a valid form of telepathy - and not definitively 'provable'.


It's not the complexity of an architective structure itself that can lead to life but the complexity of the connectivity the architective structure contains that can give it life.


Does the answer to architective domination lie in performing one's architective necessities in time to a connective music?


In Physical Spirituality I claim that objects do not disrupt spontaneously but require an external interaction to initiate a disruption. The instability of some atomic isotopes could however be held up as evidence of objects disrupting spontaneously.

In this case we need to look a little deeper, to the fact that isotopes are unstable because of a conflict between the strong nuclear forces binding their protons and neutrons and the electromagnetic forces between the repelling protons. They disrupt when the electromagnetic forces exceed the strong binding force. The electromagnetic forces can thus be seen as external forces disrupting the isotope, rather than it spontaneously disrupting under the strong force alone.

In the case where an unstable isotope has aggregated with another atom (for example C14 inside a DNA molecule) the disruption of the isotope will likely disrupt the DNA molecule too:

"The molecular change in the DNA resulting from the 14C -> 14N decay can result in potential bond ruptures, DNA strand breakage, and nitrogen substitution in canonical bases which could affect the respective encoding, decoding, or subsequent transcription of the related genes." Reference


The main argument of Physical Spirituality has two directions:

interactions--> serial meaning --> independent modes --> brains do both modes --> choice of consciousness --> unimodal spirits.

interactions--> spatial limitation of architectivity --> spatial limitation of architective spirituality.

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